The moderator Rohit Bhargava, runs the Interactive Marketing team at Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide and has a great Blog... which i think might be good for our PR group.
Noteworthy points of the convo: Do PR folks and marketers treat bloggers the way they'd treat traditional press. Dont' ask Bloggers for favors without knowing them. Always good to create relationships with bloggers, be honest, take time to know the content, don't spam, don't generalize, be sincere. TRANSPARENCY, TRANSPERANCY, TRANSPERANCY. Make it easy for a blogger to include content in their sites. Give more license to bloggers, vs. editing them to death. Are bloggers journalists? A lot of time was spent discussing this topic.. my takeaway is that they aren't, they currently not treated or viewed the same... but with the kind of attention they can generate this may not be the case in the future.
Survey of the group revealed that: Not being fully transparent is the ultimate way to generate a groundswell of negativity.
Recap from some of the host will be available later (I'll post later)